It’s 4:30 PM on a Wednesday. You’re on the clock until 5, but you’ve finished the all of the sweeping or checked out your last customer or filed the day’s paperwork. It’s prime time for daydreaming: what would it be like to be your own boss? You close your eyes, and you’re running a little […]
Julian Hearn is the founder of Huel, a nutritionally complete powdered food. Everything your body needs and nothing more. Find out how he used a PR agency to kickstart a £2 million business. Read More
Imagine this: You’re at work browsing the web and have just managed to find the perfect gift for a friend’s upcoming birthday. You place the item in your shopping cart, enter your name, email, address, and then… Your boss walks in Read More
Do you know what you’re going to post on Facebook tomorrow? How about next week? Read More
Flixel is a successful tech startup that makes mesmerizing hybrids of videos and photographs called cinemagraphs. The company was honoured with an Apple Design Award and Best of 2014 in the App Store, and they’re integrated into Facebook. They are thriving… but they almost didn’t make it Read More
My student loan – a financial burden and monthly reminder that I frittered away my formal learning years on an education I never use – is finally paid off, 15 years later. It’s this experience that has prevented me from returning to school, though I’ve threatened it more than once Read More
The most important social media conversations about your brand usually don’t involve you. It happens all the time. A customer fires off an angry complaint. Someone shares a problem that your products can solve. If these conversations don’t mention or tag you, how are you supposed to hear about them? Read More
For years I’ve been advocating for people to start their own online stores. I love helping entrepreneurs create value seemingly out of thin air and have been fortunate to mentor a few students on their ecommerce journeys. One of my most successful students is Jonah, a 17 year old competitive swimmer from Denver, Colorado. Jonah […]
Blog to Business: How Black Girls RUN!
In 2007, Toni Carey started running. Her mother told her that it was a “white sport” and that her uterus would fall out. It didn’t deter her. She was a woman spurred on by an alarming statistic: over 80% of black women in America are considered overweight or obese. Read More
You’ve probably heard founder stories that either involve a single owner who orchestrates the various moving parts of a business, or a duo of co-founders, where one generally steers the product and the other manages the day-to-day operation Read More
Time Management Tips by Experts
Time managing is not about working harder but working smarter. In order to keep your business running smoothly, you need to allocate the right time slots for tasks. Following are a few chosen time management tips by experts. All of them might not work for you, so experimenting will make it easy to find the […]
The Beginner’s Guide to Product Photography
In the course of processing over 10 million product images, we’ve worked with everyone from international mega-brands to DIY boutique retailers. Product photography can be intimidating for beginners, but it’s a challenge you can definitely overcome – there’s a science to this art form. Read More